Spark exists to celebrate the power of young people through professional theatre, igniting the desire for children to create their own stories both onstage and off.
Illuminators $5,000 & up
Partner with Us!
Become a supporter of Spark and we’ll put your logo and a link to your business here!
Trail Blazers $500-$2,499

Julie Alley, Jim Franklin
Anthony Ruth
Samuel & Colleen Endrizzi
Fire Stokers $250-$499
Nicole Corris

Igniters $100-$249
26Made, Pam & Jamie Christian, David Corris, Skip & Roseanne Corris, Jannette Costa, Amanda Deery- Elyria Law Director, Heidelberg Distributors, Kathy Earle, Linda Harris, The Myors, Allison Popieski, Mel Rainey, Jessica Thacker-Haines, Vandemark Jewelers

Did You Know?
Arts greatly contribute to our economy- even more than Construction or Transportation & Warehousing according to the NEA. In addition, children who participate in the arts are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement and three times more likely to be recognized for attendance.

Classes in South Central Elyria 2019

Classes at Keystone Elementary 2018

Harriet Tubman: an American Moses 2019

Classes in South Central Elyria 2019

Sparklers $1-$99
Erika Baumann, Emmy Belcher, KT Chid, Melissa Crum, Aaron Gottlieb, Joan Earle, Amber Endrizzi, Elizabeth Hamister-Burnett, Mark Jessie, Jason Jermakow, Kaitlin Kelly, Beth Kotris, Thomas Marsh, Phillip Martin, Erin McGee, Charisandra Perez, Andrea Smith, Diana Waldier, Pat Watkins